On the liberation of Aleppo from terrorists and the humanitarian efforts by Russia, while the west use psychological warfare, propaganda, fake news, to defend the terrorists and tarnish the anti-terrorist forces in Syria – speech by the Russian ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin. United Nations Security Council, The situation in the Middle East, Syria, 7834th meeting, 13 Dec 2016.
# PCN-TV/ RUSSIA ON PROPAGANDA & FAKE NEWS VS. ALEPPO (United Nations, 13 Dec. 2016)
Ce contenu a été publié dans * English, # ACTU / BREAKING NEWS, # ARTICLES BY LANGUAGES, # VIII: MULTIMEDIA / RADIO-TV / VIDEO, avec comme mot(s)-clé(s) PCN-TV, PROPAGANDA & FAKE NEWS ABOUT ALE, RUSSIE ON UN, Syria Committees, Vitaly Churkin. Vous pouvez le mettre en favoris avec ce permalien.